

If you’ve visited Blogger lately, you’ve probably noticed a few little problems it’s been having. This has affected my other blog with the same name(Baubles & Broomsticks: The Ramblings of a Crazy Witch) as well. So, in order to have a blog that I can actually work on, I’ve had to move here. This saddens me. I haven’t used WordPress in years, and so many things have changed! I’m getting used to it though, as I delete, edit, and somehow meander my way through everything. Now that I’ve started boring you, time to start my real post.

Lately, I haven’t been feeling well. A few weeks ago I ended up with a cold that didn’t want to break. Today, I dyed my hair, and the ammonia from said hair dye has me feeling like I just went on a wild ride with a cold monster. That sore-throat-sniffling-so-you-can-go-to-bed-early feeling. Instead of giving in, I’m just ignoring it and muddling through. I’ve got some writing to do, and come hell or high water, I will get in a few pages. YOU HEAR THAT, IMMUNE SYSTEM?? STOP BEING A PAIN IN MY ROYAL WITCHY ASS!! There, now I feel better. Getting that off of my chest was needed or a few not-nice words were going to be coming from this mouth of mine. Although I try to refrain from using those naughty words quite a bit, sometimes it just calls for it. “FUDGE OREO!!” just doesn’t have the same affect as F#@! when you stub your toe at night. I’ve tried, and it didn’t work. If anything, it made me wish we had fudge oreos, if they do, in fact, exist.

So, here I sit, staring at a white screen wishing the writer’s block I had for my book would go away. I haven’t touched it in a few months because of this. If anyone has any suggestions, I would gladly take them. No matter how extreme! However, the one exception is standing on my head. My body doesn’t and  has never worked that way. Although, throughout my childhood, I secretly wished I was a gymnast. How flexible those people are!

I think I’ll wander around Etsy for a while dreaming of things I wish to own.

(PS: Excuse the crappy signature. It was the best I could do for the moment. Oy.)